
We Are Green invests in being compliant with national and international rules that exist for the production and sale of hemp products. In addition, We Are Green has developed a number of products that are automatically compliant due to their technology and this has been confirmed by national food and safety authorities.

Novel Food

EIHA Novel Food Consortium

The novel food status of CBD extracts was confirmed in January 2019, and the European Commission updated their Novel Foods Catalogue to reflect this change. The catalogue itself has not got legal status. The European Commission uses this tool to show the decisions made on novel food status and it is these decisions that have legal status. This makes it clear that CBD extract and isolate products are legally novel foods. Hemp businesses should apply for authorisation of their CBD extracts and isolates to be placed on the European market. We Are Green is a member of the EIHA Novel Food Consortium and applied for authorisation.
Being part of the consortium means that following a positive outcome of the novel food application, our company’s products will be allowed to be marketed in the EU with an exclusivity on the study that will last 5 years.

cosmetic products

cosmetics products notification portal

We Are Green cosmetics are listed in the cosmetics products notification portal (CPNP). The Cosmetics Products Notification Portal (CPNP) is an online notification system for submitting certain technical compliance related information about cosmetic products. It was created for the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 on cosmetic products and aimed at harmonizing the 28 EU Member States + 4 EFTA countries covered under this legislation.

our certificates

ISO 9001

ISO 9001 is the international standard for quality management systems (QMS) and is by far the best-known standard in the world. The standard lays the foundation for a powerful quality management system. ISO 9001 certification is used to assess an organization’s ability to meet international quality management requirements.


The Codex Alimentarius is a collection of internationally recognized standards, codes of practice, guidelines, and other recommendations relating to food, food production, food labeling and food safety. It has formed the basis for global standards for food safety, as a foundation for prerequisite programs and HACCP.


The Codex Alimentarius is a collection of standards for food products managed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agricultural Organization. Applying HACCP is a legal requirement for all food companies in the European Union.


The organic logo can only be used on products that have been certified as organic by an authorised control agency or body. This means that they have fulfilled strict conditions on how they must be produced, processed, transported and stored. The logo can only be usedon products when they contain at least 95% organic ingredients and additionally, respect further strict conditions for the remaining 5%. The same ingredient cannot be present in organic and non-organic form.


Cold pressed CBD oils are no Novel Food

As one of the few producers in Europe, We Are Green invested two years ago in cold press technology. The fact that we produce according cold press technology and that we don’t use any form of extraction, excludes our cold pressed hemp oils from the novel food status. This is confirmed in written to We Are Green by local food and safety authorities, but it is also published on the website from the UK Food Standards Agency.

The Regulation states that the designated Responsible Person (or EU Brand Owner) is required to submit certain information about cosmetic products and their product specifications to the CPNP if they intend to make them available on the EU Market. In some cases, cosmetic product distributors are also required to follow these steps – such as in the case of changes to labelling and translations.

In Europe each cosmetic product needs to be listed in the CPNP database, so all safety tests are done and the product can be sold safely on the European market. All We Are Green products are listed in the CPNP and have a CPNP number on the packaging.

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